
Strategic Management

Overview and Case Studies

Abplanalp, Peter A./Lombriser, Roman
ISBN 978-3-03909-219-2
1. Auflage
erschienen in 2012
Sprache E
92 Seiten


CHF 29,90 / EUR 26,90

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Englische Übersetzung des Buches «Strategien verstehen: Begriffe, Konzepte
und Instrumente des strategischen Managements
», ebenfalls in der Reihe «VERSUS kompakt» erschienen.

About the book
This booklet explains briefly important concepts of strategic management. Thus it helps to build a common ground for understanding and discussing important strategic issues in practice. It is based on the rich scientific literature on strategic management which has been evolving over the last four decades and thus enables readers to develop basic knowledge for the ideas and core concepts of strategic management.

The authors
Peter Abplanalp is a professor at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, School of Business. His main interests are in strategy and competitiveness. He is also a member of the Microeconomics of Competitiveness MOC Network, which is led by Michael E. Porter, Harvard Business School.
Roman Lombriser is Professor of Strategic Management at the University of Applied Sciences of Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). Since 1993 he has also been a management lecturer at the University of St. Gallen. His major research and consulting interests lie in the field of strategy development and implementation, mainly for international SMEs. He is Chairman and Head of Strategy Consulting at his own consulting company Forrer Lombriser & Partner, St. Gallen/Switzerland.

Originally published in German:

 Abplanalp/Lombriser: Strategien verstehen

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