The Fine Art of Efficient Investing
or How to Make Sure You Sleep Better at Night
Lucatelli, Adriano B.
ISBN 978-3-03909-195-9
1. Auflage
erschienen in 2015
Sprache E
63 Seiten
hard cover
About the book
Chasing after returns and timing the market won't earn you substantial returns, much less generate systematic outperformance. What looked to be attractive returns turn out to be optical illusions: they don't adequately reflect the risks involved after all. To succeed in the stock market, what are needed are a transparent, efficient investment strategy and iron discipline rather than nerves of steel. One of the most promising strategies delivering the best risk-adjusted return is the minimum variance strategy. It does so by optimizing a basket of stocks to generate the lowest-possible portfolio variance.
«After reading this manual, you'll be looking at the financial markets and stock exchange developments with fresh eyes, and thanks to the minimum variance strategy, you'll also be sleeping better at night.»
Pius Zgraggen, Founding Partner and CEO OLZ & Partners Asset and Liability Management AG Bern, Switzerland, and Vaduz, Liechtenstein
«Viele institutionelle Anleger investieren passiv und wähnen sich auf dem richtigen Weg. Alles falsch, kontert der Schweizer Finanzexperte Adriano B. Lucatelli im Interview mit finews.ch-TV. Nun hat er ein Buch geschrieben, wie man ‹smarter› investieren kann.»
Claude Baumann, Artikel auf finews.ch, Interview auf YouTube, 23.6.2015
«Smart investieren: Mehr Rendite, weniger Risiko»
Interview auf moneyland.ch, 25.6.2015
Minimum variance strategy on YouTube:
in English: http://youtu.be/CNGf0E8GBVc
in German: http://youtu.be/VRo2OVm-2j8
The Author
Adriano B. Lucatelli is a Swiss entrepreneur and investor in the financial services industry. He sits on the boards of directors of various companies. Since 2012, he has been lecturing at the University of Zurich on international finance. Lucatelli has many years' experience in managerial positions in various areas of major Swiss banks in Switzerland and the UK and has successfully set up and grown a Swiss securities house as well as cofounded an online asset management platform. He studied international relations and economics at the London School of Economics (MSc) and the University of Nevada (BA). He earned a PhD from the University of Zurich on global financial market regulation. He also completed an MBA program at the University of Rochester (New York) and an advanced management program at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
By the same author:
Eine kurze Reise durch die Finanzmärkte – Wie man sicher am Anlageziel ankommt
Off-Target Corporate Governance – or How Not to Throw Good Money after Bad
Von Highflyern, Penalties und Bruchlandungen – Wie Sie Ihr Geld nicht in den Sand setzen