Off-Target Corporate Governance
or How Not to Throw Good Money after Bad
Lucatelli, Adriano B.
ISBN 978-3-03909-155-3
1. Auflage
erschienen in 2013
Sprache E
63 Seiten
About the book
Maybe you've wondered at some point why, even without any indication of strategic ormanagement errors, certain companies hardly ever manage to generate shareholder valueover the years. In those companies, the lion's share of the value created goes not to theowners but to the management or customers.
This book will give you new insights intohow and where you can make meaningful and profitable use of your financial resources.
«Leading is about balancing the interests of customers, suppliers, employees and owners. Whilst this may be obvious, what is less so is how the legal construct of a business canhelp or hinder in that subtle balancing act. Lucatelli does a fine job of opening the eyes of the uninitiated to the critical challenges of leadership for value. A fine, important book.»
Emmanuel Gobillot, author of «The Connected Leader», «LeaderShift» and «Follow the Leader»
«Putting good corporate governance into practice is important to the economic success of any company. According to the author, the main reason things go wrong at many stock corporations is that they have the wrong legal form. An interesting and unsettling thesis.»
Prof. Dr. Roger M. Kunz, Universität Basel
«We've all seen the annual rankings of the best CEOs or most successful companies. But they're rarely based on the ability to create sustained shareholder value. This book shows which stock market favorites are actually interesting for long-term equity investors and which ones aren't. Be prepared for some surprises!»
Daniel Manser, Derivative Partners Media
«This book should be on the required reading list for top managers running talent-based firms--such as movie studios or sports companies--who will find interesting and surprising insights and ideas regarding where to direct their talent recruitment and management efforts.»
Professor Jean-Paul Thommen, European Business School and University of Zurich
About the autor
Adriano B. Lucatelli is a Swiss entrepreneur in the financial services industry and sits on the board of directors of various companies. Since 2012 he has been lecturing at the University of Zurich on the political economy of international finance.
He started his career in 1994 at Credit Suisse, where he held managerial positions in Zurich and London. Later, he was managing director and a member of the management committee of UBS's wealth management and business banking unit in Switzerland, based in Lugano and Zurich.
Lucatelli studied international relations at the London School of Economics (MSc) and the University of Nevada (BA). He earned a PhD from the University of Zurich with a dissertation on global financial market regulation. He also completed an MBA program at the University of Rochester (NY) and an advanced management program at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
In the course of his career, he has published various articles in renowned newspapers and is the author of Finance and World Order (Praeger).
Lucatelli also serves as chairman of the readers' commission of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung newspaper, and he funds two scholarships that financially support students at the University of Nevada.
In 2011, he earned the Distinguished Alumni Award from the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Nevada. The same year, he was nominated by Ernst & Young Switzerland for the firm's Entrepreneur Of The Year award.
Originally published in German:
Von Highflyern, Penalties und Bruchlandungen – Wie Sie Ihr Geld nicht in den Sand setzen
By the same author:
The Fine Art of Efficient Investing – or How to Make Sure You Sleep Better at Night
Eine kurze Reise durch die Finanzmärkte – Wie man sicher am Anlageziel ankommt