Financial Management
A Basic Framework for Corporate Finance
Volkart, Rudolf
ISBN 978-3-03909-162-1
2. Auflage
erschienen in 2009
Sprache E
96 Seiten
Englische Übersetzung des Buches Strategische Finanzpolitik.
The Book
A healthy financial basis is the foremost responsibility of financial management. This requires sound financial competence at all levels of management. This book provides valuable guidance in fulfilling this duty. Efficiently-managed accounting is the basis for using the full creative potential and for the implementation of strategic financial planning within a company, and avoids the single minded pursuit of figures. Shareholder value is obviously important, but must not be allowed to overshadow ethical and environmental concerns. A corporate culture run on these guidelines will be able to compete successfully in the global markets of tomorrow.
Table of Contents
- Financial Policy as a Value Driver
- The Two Dimensions of Financial Management
- «Cash is King» – Discounted Cash Flow as Key Concept of Value Creation
- Financial Controlling and Risk Management
- Value-Based Management, Return on Capital and Shareholder Value
- Investments, Acquisitions and Group Policy
- Capital Structure, Dividend Policy and Investor Relations
- Conclusions for the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee
- Quality Checklist
The Author
Rudolf Volkart is well-known for his research and broad teaching activities in the field of corporate finance, tax management, and banking. He is a professor em. of finance of the University of Zurich and was the director of the Swiss Banking Institute (1997–2007).
The Artist
The artist Nico is popular and admired among newspaper readers as well as supporters of subtle and sometimes cynic humour. His cartoons appear regularly in the Swiss press - for many years, Nico was the cartoonist for the newspaper Tages-Anzeiger, Zurich.
Das Buch ist auch in deutscher Sprache lieferbar:
Volkart: Strategische Finanzpolitik
Das Buch ist auch in französischer Sprache lieferbar:
Volkart: Finance d'entreprise: Introduction à la politique et à la stratégie financières